How you can use Plyn

Discover the diverse ways you can leverage Plyn to streamline your workflows, manage projects, and collaborate effectively.

Create internal data management systems or interactive dashboards for dedicated software. Control access to data and track changes in audit log .

Customer Relationship Management

Track relationships with your clients. Keep contact info, key contacts, deals, and everything you need — connected in a meaningful way.

Read the success story

Asset Management

Create a centralized database of company assets. Track who has what, warranty expiration dates, replacement costs, and vendor/seller contact information.

Power tools

Set everything up in a way that makes sense for  your business.

We saved 14 hours a month by moving from Excel. No more sending files and guessing which version is the latest.

Contract lifecycle

Get your contracts in order. Visualize deadlines for sending offers and signing agreements. Track expiration dates for support and NDAs, and keep signed documents for reference.

Project management

Estimate effort, assign team members, and visually plan tasks for the week. Plyn provides everything you need to manage small to medium projects.

We use it to manage Plyn development and track issues.

Learn how

And everything else that your team  needs.